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Customer Data

As tapio we believe in storing customer data only as long as we need it. As such, we delete all customer data when a customer stops using a product. The duration after which data gets deleted is defined in our terms and conditions.

To facilitate reliable data deletion in our applications, we have set up a process that is available to all applications in the tapio ecosystem.

Notification by tapio

When a customer cancels their last application license, a 90 day grace period begins. If a customer does not acquire a new license within this timespan, an event is triggered and sent to the application. You will receive the notification multiple times (once a day at midnight), unless you explicitly confirm the data deletion (see next section). You might also receive this notification within the grace period already, if a customer explicitly requests the deletion of their data. In this case, be aware that you might not be able to fetch the subscription overview of the customer or the user profile of the user, because they have already been deleted. To be prepared for that situation we recommend tagging a customers data with their subscriptionId.


"subscriptionId": "f6651146-2803-4ec0-8594-fd0fa8f0db19",
"applicationId": "9d311e9d-b8ff-491a-b558-cbe7293ee936"

We encourage you to always double check any remaining licenses whenever you receive this event. The data deletion notification and confirmation is based on the applicationId. If your logical application consists of multiple tapio applications, you can receive notifications about required data deletion even though the customer still has licenses for other applicationIds. What this means to your application depends on your requirements.

Confirmation by the Application

When your application has deleted the data of a given customer, you can notify tapio. This will be persisted and can be used for traceability even when the application might have deleted its logs. You should not call this endpoint if your application did not actually delete any data.


Request Body:

"subscriptionId": "f6651146-2803-4ec0-8594-fd0fa8f0db19",
"applicationId": "9d311e9d-b8ff-491a-b558-cbe7293ee936"

The applicationId parameter can be omitted if the caller is only associated with a single application.

HTTP Status codes

Status CodeDescription
200The request has succeeded (OK).
400Invalid request. Most likely if the applicationId was omitted but is actually needed.
401The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response (Unauthorized).