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Get User Profile

Get the profile of a user via email address.

You can use this request to check if a user has a license for an application:

The Global Discovery Service API returns information based on the set of tapio-Applications that are assigned to the calling AAD-Application. Make sure that the AAD-Application you are using is assigned to the tapio-Application you want to check licenses for in my tapio.

To check if the User has a License for your tapio-Application you have to go through all Licenses of of all Subscriptions in the response and check if there is a License with the id of your tapio-Application (subscriptions[].licenses[].applicationId JMESPath).

Licenses can expire or be unassigned from a certain User or Machine. It is not recommended to poll the Global Discovery Service API and detect those changes yourself. Instead we encourage you to setup a CloudEvent endpoint and listen for License-related changes.

Path Parameters
  • email string required

    Email address



  • email string nullable

    Email address

  • subscriptions object[] nullable

    List of user profiles

  • Array [
  • role string nullable

    User role

  • subscriptionId uuid

    Subscription id

  • parentSubscriptionId uuid nullable

    Parent subscription id

  • name string nullable

    Subscription name

  • tapioId string nullable

    Tapio id

  • assignedMachines object[] nullable

    Assigned machines

  • Array [
  • tmid string nullable


  • deviceType DeviceType

    Possible values: [Unknown, Machine, SmartDevice]

    Device type

  • deviceSubType string nullable

    Device sub-type. If Device type is set to "Machine", Device sub-type will only contain one the following values: "Unknown", "Edge", "Saw", "Cnc", "Sanding", "Drilling", "Assembly", "Storing", "Stock", "Sorting", "Shipping", "PreAssembly", "Lamination", "Moulding", "Packaging", "Handling"

  • displayName string nullable

    Display name

  • manufacturerSerialNumber string nullable

    Serial number given to the machine by its manufacturer.

  • onboardingDate date-time

    The date, when the machine has been added to the subscription

  • equipmentGroup object

    Information about a group in the context of a machine, assigned to it.

  • id string nullable

    Id of the equipment group.

  • groupPosition int32

    Position of the machine within the group.

  • assignedApplications object[] nullable

    List of assigned applications for this machine

  • Array [
  • id uuid

    Application id

  • ]
  • ]
  • subscriptionTypes string[] nullable deprecated

    Subscription Types

  • subscriptionType string nullable

    Subscription Type

  • subscriptionFeatures string[] nullable

    Subscription Features

  • servicePartners object[] nullable

    Service partners

  • Array [
  • subscriptionId uuid

    Subscription id

  • name string nullable

    Service partner name

  • customerNumber string nullable

    Customer number

  • parentSubscriptionId uuid nullable

    Parent id

  • providerNo string nullable

    Provider number

  • servicePartnerType ServicePartnerType

    Possible values: [MachineService, SharpeningService]

    Service partner type

  • ]
  • licenses object[] nullable


  • Array [
  • licenseId uuid

    License id

  • applicationId uuid

    Application id

  • createdDate date-time

    License creation date

  • billingStartDate date-time

    Billing start date

  • billingInterval string nullable

    Billing interval

  • licenseCount int32

    License count

  • ]
  • equipmentGroups object[] nullable

    Equipment groups

  • Array [
  • id string nullable

    Equipment group id

  • parentId string nullable

    Id of the parent equipment group, or null if there is no parent.

  • displayName string nullable

    Display name

  • groupPosition int32

    Position of the machine within the group

  • placesCount int32

    Number of places in the equipment group

  • type GroupType

    Possible values: [Group, Warehouse, Root]

  • ]
  • servicePartnerType ServicePartnerType

    Possible values: [MachineService, SharpeningService]

    Service partner type

  • ]