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Manufacturer Routes

This is the section of api which is used by manufacturers. It contains routes which allow a manufacturer to manage their machines and customers in the tapio ecosystem.

Find Customer by your customer number

By calling the route you can search a customer by your customer number.


The following properties can be set via query parameter.

customerNumberyesYour customer numberstring

Response model

"subscriptionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "Max-Mustermann GmbH"

Create new Customer

By calling the route you can create a new customer in tapio ecosystem.


Request body

"adminUsereMail": "", // Email of the customer admin
"adminUserTitle": "Mr", // Salutation of the customer (Mr, Mrs, Company) (optional)
"adminUserFirstName": "John",
"adminUserLastName": "Doe",
"companyName": "Digital wood works GmbH", // Display name of the customers company name
"companyStreet": "Mainroad 1",
"companyTown": "Nagold",
"companyZipCode": "72202",
"companyCountry": "DE",
"companyVat": "DE 318235124", // VAT number of the customer.
"localeId": "de-de",
"telVoice": "0020 001221312312", // Telephone number has to start with 00xx.
"applicationSettings": {
"timeZone": "Central America Standard Time" // Has to be timezone of windows standard (optional).
"customerNumber" : "4711" // Customer number.

timeZone expected as windows standard.

companyVat gets validated via VIES for EU countries.

Response model

"subscriptionId": "f6874d67-c827-4be3-9c6b-c9ebfaa037db"

Response codes

201The customer subscription was created successfully.
400Bad request. The request was malformed.
403Forbidden. You are not allowed to create the customer subscription.
409The customer subscription could not be created because there was a conflict, e.g. the user is already administrator in another subscription or the subscription already exists.
451Due to legal reasons it is not possible to create the customer subscription.

Get the application settings of a customer


customerSubscriptionIdThe Id of a customer subscription.string(Guid)Yes

Response Model Description

subscriptionIdThe Id of the subscription.string(Guid)
countryIdThe country a customer specified for his company during registration as 2-letter code according ISO 3611-2string
internationalizationInternationalization object.Internationalization
logoLogo object contains information about the uploaded company logo as png format. In case the customer has not specified a logo you will get null for this propertyLogo

Internationalization Model Description

localeLocale information according culture information name of .NET, e.g. "de-DE", "en-US" more information, like the. This represents the locale specific settings for e.g. system emails, calendar format, number format and more.string
timeZoneName of the time zone where the customer is located (as windows standard).string
currencyCurrency id based on ISO 4217.string
systemOfUnitsSystem of units. Possible values: metric and imperial.string
paperFormatFormat of the paper. Possible values: A4 and Letter.string

Logo Model Description

  • The URL path will change when the customer changes their logo
  • Be aware that the URLs expire. They are valid for seven days starting from the beginning of the day they were requested.
uriUri to the company logo with original size.string
thumbnailUri to the company logo as thumbnail with the size 64x64 pixel.string

Response body example

An example JSON response will then look something like this:

"subscriptionId": "b11fb489-6814-43b4-9803-b152812f441d",
"countryId": "DE",
"internationalization": {
"locale": "de-DE",
"timeZone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"currency": "EUR",
"systemOfUnits": "Metric",
"paperFormat": "A4"
"logo": {
"uri": "",
"thumbnail": ""

If a customer has not set any information, default values will be provided depending on the country specified during registration.

Response HTTP status codes

Status CodeDescription
200The request has succeeded (OK).
400The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax (Bad Request).
403The client is not allowed to access the application settings. (Forbidden).
404The customer was not found (Not Found).

Send an email to a customer


customerSubscriptionIdThe Id of a customer subscription.string(Guid)Yes

The email will be sent to the configured contact person of the customer subscription, not to the admin users of the subscription.

Request body description

contentHTML content of the email. Will be injected between the salutation and the service remark of the email.string
subjectEmail subject, will be prefixed with a message which indicates that this is a message from a manufacturer and not directly from tapio.string
localeLocale information according culture information name of .NET, e.g. "de-DE", "en-US" more information, like the. This represents the locale specific settings for e.g. system emails, calendar format, number format and more.string
bccAddressOptional BCC email address.string

Request body example

"content": "The <b>new</b> application is awesome! Check it out!.",
"subject": "There is a new application ready for you to use!",
"locale": "en-US"

Response HTTP status codes

Status CodeDescription
202The request has been accepted (OK).
400The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax (Bad Request).
403The client is not allowed to send an email to a customer. (Forbidden).

Create Manufacturer Machine

The machine will be created in tapio ecosystem and tapioMachineId will be generated.


Request body

"displayName": "Test Machine", // Display name of the machine
"serialNumber": "1122334455667788", // Serial number of the machine
"deviceType": "Machine", // Enum (default 'Machine'). 'Machine' - means classic machine. 'SmartDevice' - smart devices like Raspberry
"deviceSubType": "sub type", // Device sub type, which can be provided as additional classification of the machine (optional).
"tmidPostfix":"1122334455667788", // The postfix which will be used to generate tapioMachineId(manufacturerId + tmidPostfix)
"isTapioReady": true // Flag to indicate if the manufacturer machine is tapio-ready. `true` by default.

We recommend a list of device subtypes which should be used for machines with deviceType set to Machine. You can also set them through My tapio. Available subtypes: Unknown, Edge, Saw, Cnc, Sanding, Drilling, Assembly, Storing, Stock, Shipping, PreAssembly, Lamination, Moulding, Packaging, Handling, LineControl. deviceSubType is still a nullable string.

Response model


Response HTTP status codes

Status CodeDescription
400Bad Request

Get Manufacturer Machine


tapioMachineIdThe Id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring

Response model

"tmid": "tdmtest1122334455667788", // tapioMachineId
"displayName": "Test Machine", // Display name of the machine
"serialNumber": "1122334455667788", // Serial number of the machine
"createdAt": "2020-05-12T11:59:23.4605816+00:00", // Created timestamp
"deviceType": "Machine",
"deviceSubType": "sub type",
"isMassDevice": false, // In case that 'deviceType' is 'SmartDevice', then the property is true
"cc": [
"ccid": "Nob9tAIG6z6QnS4-GeF_KVPS3j-eGQnMKA9A8b4KA0Jvb5WtAlE6-T2eA2hk5MkEBj1_pB9GJANdCgO261bZZw",
"displayName": "CloudConnector"
], // The list of cloud connectors, which serve this machine
"isTapioReady": true // Flag to indicate if the manufacturer machine is tapio-ready. `true` by default.

Delete Manufacturer Machine

Important! The machine can be deleted only if it is not onboarded yet!


tapioMachineIdThe Id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring

Update Manufacturer Machine

To update machine, this route can be used. It uses JsonPatch approach, which allows to update machine properties partially. For more information please follow this link.


tapioMachineIdThe Id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring

Request body

"value": "New DisplayName",
"path": "/displayName", // The path to the property of json object. Only following properties can be updated: '/displayName', '/deviceType', '/deviceSubType', '/isTapioReady'
"op": "replace" // The operation name. The following operations can be chosen: 'add', 'remove', 'replace'

Check if a machine can be assigned to an application

To check if you can assign a machine to an application. A distinction is made between limited and connected machines.

For connected machines you have to check if the capabilities array contains MachineAssignable. For limited machines you have to check if the array contains the capability LimitedMachineAssignable.


applicationIdThe Id of the applicationstring(Guid)

Response model

200 - Ok.

"capabilities": [

In case the application has no capability this array will be empty.

Manufacturer Machine Onboarding

To onboard a machine for a customer we have to use this route:


tapioMachineIdThe Id of the machine in tapio ecosystemstring

Request body

"customerSubscriptionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // Id of customer subscription
"machineName": "string" // This is the name, which customer will see


201 - Created. If machine is onboarded first time.

200 - Ok. If machine is already onboarded.

409 - Conflict. If the manufacturer machine is blocked.

Rename a Machine in a Customer Subscription

To change the machines display name for the customer use


tapioMachineIdThe id of the machine in the tapio ecosystemstring

Request body

"customerSubscriptionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // Id of customer subscription
"displayName": "string" // The new name of the machine in the customer subscription


204 - No Content

Create CloudConnector


Request body

"displayName": "Test Machine", // Display name of the cloud connector
"tmids": ["1122334455667788"], // Serial number of the associated machines. Usually a cloud connector serves just a single machine.
"publicClientCertificate": "<your certificate here, which will expire in 50 years>", // Public key of the client certificate, which will be used to secure communication between cloud connector and cloud. In case that this property is not specified, the certificate will be generated automatically. The client certificate should expire in 50 years (optional).

Response model



Get CloudConnector Configuration

Important! The configuration file will be available only 1h (one hour) after creation of cloud connector, then it will be automatically deleted!.


cloudConnectorIdThe Id of cloud connector, which we receive from previous stepstring

Response Model Description

As a response to this query, you will retrieve cloud connector configuration file. For more information please follow this link.

Get CloudConnector by Id


cloudConnectorIdThe Id of cloud connector, which we receive from previous stepstring

Response model

"cloudConnectorId": "Nob9tAIG6z6QnS4-GeF_KVPS3j-eGQnMKA9A8b4KA0Jvb5WtAlE6-T2eA2hk5MkEBj1_pB9GJANdCgO261bZZw",
"displayName": "CloudConnector",
"manufacturerSubscriptionId": "cbadb5b3-2b4c-47ec-96de-b2a1126f186a",
"createdDate": "2020-05-12T12:35:10.5247486+00:00",
"tmids": [
] // The list of machines, which cloud connector serves

Update CloudConnector

To update machine, this route can be used. It uses JsonPatch approach, which allows to update machine properties partially. For more information please follow this link.


cloudConnectorIdThe Id of cloud connector, which we receive from previous stepstring

Request body

"value": "tdmtest112233445566778822",
"path": "/tmids/-", // Adds tapioMachineId to the end of the array. Only following properties can be updated: '/displayName', '/tmids'
"op": "add" // The operation name. The following operations can be chosen: 'add', 'remove', 'replace'

Create Metadata for Application

Updates or creates metadata for a specific manufacturer machine and all applications:


tapioMachineIdThe id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring
keyThe key of metadata e.g. "displaytemplate"string
Content-Type"application/json", other MIME types are not supported yet.string

Request body

// Display template

Updates or creates metadata for a specific manufacturer machine and specific application:


tapioMachineIdThe id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring
keyThe key of metadata e.g. "displaytemplate"string
applicationIdThe id of the applicationstring
Content-Type"application/json", other MIME types are not supported yet.string

Request body

// Display template

Get Metadata for Application

Retrieving metadata for a specific manufacturer machine and all applications:


tapioMachineIdThe id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring
keyThe key of metadata e.g. "displaytemplate"string

Response model

// Display template

Retrieving metadata for a specific manufacturer machine and application:


tapioMachineIdThe id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring
keyThe key of metadata e.g. "displaytemplate"string
applicationIdThe id of the applicationstring

Response model

// Display template

Get Keys of the MetaData

Retrieving global metadata keys for specific machine:


tapioMachineIdThe id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring
limitThe Maximum number of items returnedint
offsetOffset for pagingint

Response model

"totalCount": 1,
"results": [
"key": "displaytemplate"

Retrieving metadata keys for specific machine and application:


tapioMachineIdThe id of machine in tapio ecosystemstring
applicationIdThe id of the applicationstring
limitThe Maximum number of items returnedint
offsetOffset for pagingint

Response model

"totalCount": 1,
"results": [
"key": "displaytemplate"