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tapio Data Categories

There are several types of data available through the tapio ecosystem.

Machine Data

tapio connected machines currently expose three types of data to the ecosystem.

Data TypeDescription
Streaming DataCurrent data values of the machine e.g. temperature, remaining time. Delivered in real time in a publish/subscribe way. To receive this data, you currently need an Azure Event Hub instance. We'll provide a Webhook interface later this year.
Batch DataMachine dependent data for long term analysis, based on Streaming Data but bundled in zip archives and is send in configurable intervals (e.g. once per day). To receive this data you currently need an Azure Storage Account instance with a Queue Storage.
Digital Twin DataBased on Streaming Data, the last known state of the machine. Is actively requested. No real time or websocket here.

Streaming Data

The streaming data represents the real time information sent by a CloudConnector, the streaming data will be written to configured azure event hub endpoints in real time. The format is a JSON based container with the following message types:

Message TypeDescription
Item DataDelivers simple data values e.g. temperature, remaining time, energy consumption
ConditionCondition updates like outstanding maintenance
Condition RefreshSnapshot of current condition states
Event DataOPC UA Events
Offline messageSent when the machine state switches to offline

An example of the JSON-Container format:

"tmid": "MachineId",
"msgid": "bf8610fa-a5e9-4ede-ad37-51082e7eb372",
"msgt": "cond",
"msgts": "2017-06-29T10:39:03.7651013+01:00",
"msg": // json object payload based on msgt value

NOTE: All the JSON properties are using a short name format to reduce the size of the messages due technical limitations of Azure Event Hub & Azure IoT Hub

tmidstring: the tapio machine id
msgidstring: a unique id for this message
msgtstring: the type of the message payload, see list below
msgtsstring: ISO8601 timestamp
msgobject: message payload, type is defined by msgt
Message typeDescription
"msgt": "itd"Item Data
"msgt": "cond"Condition
"msgt": "conds" / "msgt": "conde"Condition Refresh
"msgt": "gooffline"Offline Message

Item Data

Used Message Type: "msgt": "itd"

An example message payload for an item data message:

"p": "provider",
"k": "temperature01",
"vt": "f",
"v": 42.43,
"u": "c",
"q": "g",
"sts": "2017-06-29T10:38:43.7606016+01:00",
"rts": "2017-06-29T10:38:53.7606016+01:00"
pstring: The provider field is a configurable grouping string to describe the logical source of item data messages, set by machine manufacturer
kstring: the key name, represents usually an OPC UA node id, can be configured by machine manufacturer inside CloudConnector configuration file
vtstring: data value type, defines the datatype of the value property v, see list below
vvalue: the value, defined by value type property vt, see list below
uoptional string: unit of the value, e.g. c for celsius
qstring: quality of the value, given by OPC UA server, g is good, b is bad, u is uncertain
stsstring: source time stamp, sent by the OPC UA server, ISO8601 format
rtsstring: receive time stamp, set by the CloudConnector (local time of CloudConnector), ISO8601 format

For the field vt the following string values are valid ("vt":"<type>")

Value TypeDescription
"vt":"s"string values, represented as json string "v": "value"
"vt":"i"integer values, represented as json number "v": 5
"vt":"f"float values, represented as json number "v": 5.24
"vt":"n"for “null”, unknown data type, v is not set or "v" : null
"vt":"dt"datetime values, represented as ISO8601 json string "v": "2017-06-29T10:38:43.7606016+01:00"
"vt":"b"for byte array values. Represented as base64 json string "v": "dA=="
"vt":"dss"string dictionary, json object "v" : { "key1":"value", "key2":"value" }


Used Message Type: "msgt": "cond"

A condition state update, will be send by CloudConnector when a condition occurs or disappears.

"p": "provider",
"k": "key",
"s": "source",
"as": 1,
"sv": 100,
"ls": {
"de": "Source 01-Deutsch",
"en": "Source 01-English"
"lm": {
"de": "Deutscher Text",
"en": "English Text"
"vls": {
"key1": {
"t": "i",
"v": 42
"key2": {
"t": "f",
"v": 41.45
"sts": "2017-06-29T13:36:50.9516141+01:00",
"rts": "2017-06-29T13:37:00.9516141+01:00"
pstring: The provider field is a configurable grouping string to describe the logical source of conditions, set by machine manufacturer
kstring: Key, the opc ua node id of the condition node
sstring: Source, the opc ua node id of the receiving node
asnumber: The active status as integer, 0 = Uncertain, 1 = Active, 2 = Inactive
svnumber: The severity, value between 1 and 1000
lsoptional object: localized source text
lmoptional object: localized message text
vlsoptional object: additional value list, for t and v see equivalent type description in Item Data section (vt + v)
stsstring: source time stamp, sent by the OPC UA server, ISO8601 format
rtsstring: receive time stamp, set by the CloudConnector (local time of CloudConnector), ISO8601 format

Condition Refresh

Used Message Types: "msgt": "conds" and "msgt": "conde"

The condition refresh is a regularly update of the condition state of an OPC UA server node, it is used to make sure the current state representation inside tapio is correct, e.g. when a condition inactive update got lost because of technical issues like an unstable internet connection it would be still considered as active. To keep a consistent state of the active conditions the CloudConnector regularly sends a snapshot of all active conditions to clean up orphaned condition states.

A condition refresh sends the following message set:

Condition (Refresh) Start Message
<List of Condition State Messages>
Condition (Refresh) End Message

It starts with a condition refresh start message followed by the list of active conditions (see Condition data description) and closed by a condition refresh end message

Both messages (conds, conde) are using the following format:

"p": "provider",
"sts": "2017-06-29T13:36:50.9516141+01:00",
"rts": "2017-06-29T13:37:00.9516141+01:00"

Event Data

Used Message Types: "msgt": "evd"


"p" : "provider",
"k" : "key",
"s" : "source",
"vls" : {
"NodeId" : {
"t": "s",
"v" : "ns=2;s=Server.NodeId"
"sts" : "2019-01-31T10:52:50+0000",
"rts" : "2019-01-31T10:52:50+0000"


pstring: The provider field is a configurable grouping string to describe the logical source of events, set by machine manufacturer
kstring: Key, the opc ua node id of the event node
sstring: Source, the opc ua node id of the receiving node
vlsobject: Typed dictionary where the key is the value name. For t and v see equivalent type description in Item Data section (vt + v)
stsstring: source time stamp, sent by the OPC UA server, ISO8601 format
rtsstring: receive time stamp, set by the CloudConnector (local time of CloudConnector), ISO8601 format

Offline Message

Used Message Type: "msgt": "gooffline"

A message without payload, will be sent by CloudConnector on shutdown or is sent by the tapio system when no message has been received for two minutes.

Batch Data

Batch data's data structure is similar to the structure of streaming data but the messages will be transferred inside zip files.

An application will receive a JSON message to the configured azure storage account queue when a new batch archive is available. The message has the following content:

"tmid": "<MachineId>",
"downloadUri": "<RFC3986 Uri>",
"expiry": "<ISO8601>",
"messageType": "batch"
tmidstringThe tapio machine id
downloadUristringAn HTTPS URI to download the batch data file (zip archive)
expirystringAn ISO8601 string to specify the lifetime of the download link
messageTypestringThe type of the message. In case of batch data this type has to be batch otherwise the message can be ignored. Available values batch or generic.

The download uri can be used to download a zip file with the following content:

The zip files usually have this file name schema:

The zip contains multiple batch json files with the following file name schema:


NOTE: the file name schema is not fixed and can change

Each of this json files have the following JSON schema:

"tx-batchid": "6c3b08f2-efee-47ac-8a19-bc4be03d5198",
"tx-batchts": "2018-08-29T09:35:04.1954284+02:00",
"messages": [
"tx-tmid": "0000000001",
"tx-msgid": "aa7cc183-3efb-4cc3-aede-0b74994c61e0",
"tx-msgtype": "itd",
"tx-msgts": "2018-08-29T09:35:04.2004294+02:00",
"msg_payload": {
"p": "StatesAndCounters",
"v": "MmrCounter000-2018-08-29T09:05:01.3396141+02:00",
"k": "ns=2;s=Simu.0000000001MMRCounter.MmrCounterMMR01Counter000",
"vt": "s",
"q": "g",
"sts": "2018-08-29T09:35:04.2044296+02:00",
"rts": "2018-08-29T09:35:04.2044296+02:00"
tx-batchidstring: the batch id, set for each set of changes occurred inside machines
tx-batchtsstring: ISO8601 timestamp
messagesarray of objects: array of messages, each message format is similar to streaming data (same structure, slightly different property names)

Generic Data

The structure of Generic Data is not defined by tapio. The receiving application needs to know how to handle the data itself.

An application will receive a JSON message to the configured azure storage account queue when a new generic data file is available. The message has the following content:

"tmid": "<MachineId>",
"downloadUri": "<RFC3986 Uri>",
"expiry": "<ISO8601>",
"messageType": "generic",
"sourceKey": "Spindle.Health"
tmidstringThe tapio machine id
downloadUristringAn HTTPS URI to download the generic data file
expirystringAn ISO8601 string to specify the lifetime of the download link
messageTypestringThe type of the message. Available values batch or generic.
sourceKeystringKey that is used to identify the data, which is defined in the XML module configuration.

Last known state

The digital twin data or the last known state representation of a machine

Example response:

"tmid": "0000000002aabb",
"itds": [
"p": "StatesAndCounters",
"v": 0,
"k": "LeftPanelStates.000.State",
"vt": "i",
"u": null,
"q": "g",
"sts": "2018-09-03T13:51:32.099116+02:00",
"rts": "2018-09-03T13:51:35.3033155+02:00"
"p": "StatesAndCounters",
"v": "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",
"k": "LeftPanelStates.000.Image",
"vt": "b",
"u": null,
"q": "g",
"sts": "2018-09-03T13:51:32.099116+02:00",
"rts": "2018-09-03T13:51:35.3033155+02:00"
"p": "StatesAndCounters",
"v": {
"de": "Ein",
"en": "Off"
"k": "LeftPanelStates.000.Text",
"vt": "dss",
"u": null,
"q": "g",
"sts": "2018-09-03T13:51:32.099116+02:00",
"rts": "2018-09-03T13:51:35.3033155+02:00"
"p": "StatesAndCounters",
"k": "LeftPanelStates.000.Value",
"vt": "n",
"u": null,
"q": "b",
"sts": "2018-09-03T13:51:32.099116+02:00",
"rts": "2018-09-03T13:51:35.3033155+02:00"
"p": "StatesAndCounters",
"v": 0,
"k": "LeftPanelStates.000.IsVisible",
"vt": "i",
"u": null,
"q": "g",
"sts": "2018-09-03T13:51:32.099116+02:00",
"rts": "2018-09-03T13:51:35.3033155+02:00"
"conds": [
"p": "AlarmsAndErrors",
"k": "ns=2;s=Simu.0000000002AaBb.0002-ConditionError01",
"s": "ns=2;s=Simu.0000000002AaBb",
"as": 1,
"sv": 1000,
"ls": null,
"lm": {
"de": "Dies ist ein Fehler",
"en": "This is an error"
"vls": {
"SourceNode": {
"t": "n"
"AckedState/Id": {
"v": 0,
"t": "i"
"sts": "2018-09-03T13:53:08.1804467+02:00",
"rts": "2018-09-03T13:53:08.4125751+02:00"
"p": "AlarmsAndErrors",
"k": "ns=2;s=Simu.0000000002AaBb.0002-ConditionMaintenance01",
"s": "ns=2;s=Simu.0000000002AaBb",
"as": 1,
"sv": 200,
"ls": null,
"lm": {
"de": "Dies ist eine Wartung",
"en": "This is a maintenance"
"vls": {
"SourceNode": {
"t": "n"
"AckedState/Id": {
"v": 0,
"t": "i"
"sts": "2018-09-03T13:53:08.8505748+02:00",
"rts": "2018-09-03T13:53:09.4075737+02:00"

The basic structure:

"tmid": "0000000002aabb",
"itds": [],
"conds": []
"tmid": "0000000001aabb",
"itds": [],
"conds": []

An array of machine data values:

tmidstring: The tapio machine ids
itdsarray: The current data value set, see Streaming data - Item Data for structure
condsarray: The current active condition set, see Streaming data - Condition for structure


If you have further questions on data categories, don't hesitate to contact